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Becoming a Permanent Resident in Cuba

So, you got your marriage papers and had a beautiful romantic ceremony in Cuba and you are now husband and wife. Sadly the process for unification doesn’t end here.

After marriage there is a decision to be made. Do you want to:-

  • start the process of sponsoring your partner to Canada to live. A process that can take another two years! 

  • continue a long distance relationship and organise visitor visa's for them to visit you, or vice versa.

  • or a less common option is for the US / Canadian Citizen to obtain permanent residence in Cuba.

Contact us to find out more about Sponsorship or Visitor Visas!

Becoming a Permanent Resident in Cuba

If you decide to become a permanent resident in Cuba. This falls under the Family Reunification reason and you are asking for a family visa (A-2). This is the visa that is available for immediate family members of a Cuban Citizen. If you are a US Citizen your reason for travel would be to visit family. The right to permanent residence is renewed every 5 years.

You may be wondering why you would become a Permanent Resident. Here are some of the reasons:

  • Cultural Richness - Cuba is known for its lively dance music and art scene that blends African, Spanish and Carribean influences

  • Natural Beauty – Cuban boasts a diverse range of natural wonders

  • Historical significance - Living in Cuba allows one to be immersed in a world of historical significance

  • Affordability – the cost of living in Cuba is relatively low compared to America and Canada, making it an attractive lifestyle for those seeking a more affordable life.

However there are the drawbacks to be aware of too:

  • Poor quality internet access makes it a difficult working environment for Digital Nomads or remote work opportunities

  • Regular Energy Blackouts

  • Shortage of basic daily commodities including food, pharmaceutical products and fuel

  • Safety – the country is currently on a rating of high risk due to its economic and political situation

Weighing up the pros and cons of living in Cuba should play an important part when deciding if permanent residency is for you.

What is the process of obtaining Permanent Residency in Cuba?

1.      Choose the right visa category for you, as mentioned if it is because you have recently married then the family reunification is the visa category to choose.

2.      Compile the correct documents which will include passport, proof of marriage, employment contract or retirement funds, birth certificate and police record medical certificate and ensure you have Spanish translations too.

3.      Attend the Cuban Consulate in your home country to submit your visa application where it is likely that you will be interviewed about your reasons for moving.

4.      As part of the application process you will probably be required to undergo a background check and a medical examination.

5.      Wait patiently! This is not a quick route and processing times can be length so be prepared to wait.

6.      On arrival in Cuba you will need to register with the local immigration office to obtain your Permanent Resident card.

Have you become a permanent resident in Cuba after marriage? We would love to hear your story.

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©2019 by How To Get Married In Cuba

*Please note that all information contained on this website does not take into account any impact of coronavirus COVID-19 on application procedures or processing times.

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